From London to Amsterdam, Malta to New Orleans; here’s a few projects we’ve worked on for clients worldwide


Uxbridge High School Virtual Open Evening

Due to COVID we were approached to shoot a series of short videos to exhibit the school to prospective parents of children moving into Year 7.

A 2 person crew shot all the necessary footage and interviews in a single school day which then created 5 short videos highlighting different aspects of the school.

We were then invited back a month later to create a new series of videos for their Sixth Form.

ICE North America Promo - New Orleans, USA

Our client moved their North American event from Boston to New Orleans for 2020.

Our brief was to create some content to excite the attendees of the event (particularly the European audience) about the move and show off what the city has to offer.

As well as some video interviews with 2 state legislatures at the Attorney General’s office we produced some quick city highlights, top 5 places to eat and top music venue videos.


ICE London

ICE London is the world’s largest exhibition for the gaming industry taking over the whole of London’s Excel centre each year.

This year we provided a team to work with iGaming Business shooting video interviews with key exhibitors, speakers and attendees of the event.

In 2 days we shot 40+ interviews before providing photography at the iGB show running alongside ICE.

iGaming Next - Malta

Working with the iGaming Business publishing team we travelled to Malta and attended iGaming Next and the iGaming Idol awards where we shot several interviews with the event’s keynote speakers as well as a short show and go video of the event.


Aaron Buchanan and The Cult Classics

Our brief was to shoot some behind the scenes footage of Aaron Buchanan and The Cult Classics photoshoot ahead of their debut album release. We then produced a short video to their music to create some buzz ahead of the album launch.

Clarion Gaming

We spent a day at the offices of Clarion Gaming shooting interviews with their team talking about various elements of their upcoming event in North America.


Buck N Bull Saloon

To help with the launch of a new Country Music event in London we created a short animated video for use on social media, specifically Facebook and Youtube. Elements were then also used with different dimensions for use of Snapchat and Instagram.

Aaron Buchanan

Here we had a 2 camera set up to shoot a live recording of Aaron Buchanan covering Freddie Mercury’s “Love of My Life” on what would have been Freddie’s 70th Birthday.